There and Back Again: A Skiers Tale.

There and Back Again: A Skiers Tale.

Alaska. Australia. New Zealand. Australia. Alaska.

It’s safe to say I got my fair share of flying in over the past few months.

I have to admit, I thought I had already written a blog for how the last part of my time in Australia and New Zealand went. I guess I was wrong. I was just too caught up in winter and forgot! Continue reading “There and Back Again: A Skiers Tale.”

Satisfying steps forward

Satisfying steps forward

Ski racing and more broadly speaking, being an athlete, is all about making small incremental improvements and gains in every aspect of the sport. Mentally, physically and technically. They are all little steps we need to take to improve. Sometimes it feels like we are walking backwards and at other times we stride forward with ardour and vigour. Continue reading “Satisfying steps forward”

That white powder.

That white powder.

Landing in Alaska, I was greeted with some welcome changes to the landscape. We had piles of snow everywhere and more importantly amazing sunshine! It was so wonderful to come home after being on the road for so long. Just feeling the warmth of the sun, and having day after day of perfect blue bird sky was fantastic. Continue reading “That white powder.”